This walk will take you round the eastern part of the Trégor coast from Lézardrieux to Perros Guirec. This coast is at the mercy of the sea that rushes into the valleys and, at high tide, reaches into the heart of towns like Lézardrieux or Tréguier, themselves steeped in rich religious and architectural pasts. This coast offers remarkable sites -The Sillon de Talbert, a bank of sand and pebbles unique in Europe, which defies the waves and pushes out into the sea for more than 3km -The Pointe du Château headland with its amazing granitic chaos – Castell Meur and its famous house stuck between two rocks that is known the world over – Or even the abyss, an impressive fault between two rocky blocks where waves rush in with a roar. You will appreciate the tranquility of some beautiful beaches and the rich Breton heritage that you will discover along the path or in the coastal villages
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ContactSentiers de France concocts for you a turnkey stay. Your only concern will be to enjoy and hike.
according to your tastes and desires
6 Days
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