The Vosges Massif is divided into two areas: the Northern Vosges, made of red sandstone, and the Southern Vosges, crystalline rocks with rounded summits called Les Ballons. Higher up, these rounded mountains were once covered by glaciers, which smoothed down the summits and widened the surrounding valleys to give place to wonderful lakes that we can still admire today. The forest grows up from every stretch of land, consisting primarily of beeches or coniferous trees, such as firs, spruces or pines. They give the whole area a dark and mysterious ambience. On the heights, the forest yields to fields, where flocks of animals graze from June to October, and are the base of the region’s cheese industry. In winter, the skiers take over the slopes. What a pleasure to admire these undulating crests, rolling on as far as the eye can see!
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