From Conques, you will reach Figeac via Decazeville, a town created in the 19th century at the height of the country’s industrial coal mining revolution. From Figeac, pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostela had several routes to choose from. Crossing the Causse de Limogne, a limestone plateau, was the quickest route but also the most dangerous because the forest provided the perfect cover for ambushes. Or they could climb to the top of the Célé valley, or even go via Rocamadour, the sanctuary dedicated to the Black Madonna that has been welcoming visitors since the early Middle Ages.
You will cross richly contrasted landscapes, from the many wild, closed-in, wooded valleys to the plateaux, where large numbers of animals graze. Past Lacapelle-Murat you will discover the landscapes of the Causse, pastures hemmed by low dry-stone walls and copses of stunted oak trees, before reaching the Lot valley, which you will walk along to Cahors. Before reaching this point, you will have plunged into the verdant, damp Alzou canyon, been astonished by Rocamadour, a real eagle’s nest hanging from the rock face that is so perfectly summed up by these few words, “Houses on the river, churches on the houses, rocks on the churches and the château on the cliff”! You will climb once again onto the plateau to reach Labastide-Murat then Vers. You will walk along the riverbanks of the Lot, as it meanders towards Cahors, an old town with a rich past
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9 Days
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