You will follow in the footsteps of the glorious 3rd American Army commanded by General Patton de Cherbourg in Bastogne, Belgium. Imagined as early as 1944 by Guy de la Vasselais to honor the incredible journey of the Americans who will link Normandy to Metz in only 54 days! At each kilometer, a marker testifies to the passage of the liberators. We do not only offer you a historical tour, we offer you to discover or rediscover France with stages combining military history, gastronomy, French history, oenology and architectural heritage. It is a complete tour of the best France has to offer while following in the footsteps of the soldiers who landed in 1944
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Group rate (5 and more) and CE,thanks to contact us
ContactSentiers de France concocts for you a turnkey stay. Your only concern will be to enjoy and hike.
according to your tastes and desires
8 Days
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