One of the most beautiful places in France! The Tarn River flows rapidly towards les Causses from its source at Mont Lozere in the Cevennes. It rushes through this chalky region, through a succession of natural faults that it has enlarged, deepened, sculpted, and carved out to create a sequence of imposing and splendid passes and corries. The river is fed only by resurgence waters, which come from the surrounding Mejean and Sauveterre Causses. What splendid contrast between the old villages and hamlets, sometimes completely abandoned, located on the shadowed bank of the Tarn, and those that bloom and flourish in the sun on the opposite bank! From Florac to Peyreleau, the path will lead you from the heights of the cliffs to the depths of the passes. You will be filled with awe by these glistening landscapes and will feel the earth closing in around you as you slip down the Tarn, cliffs rising high around you, towards the Cirque des Baumes.
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7 Days
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