The pink granite coast stretches 30km from Perros Guirec to Plestin les Grèves, studded with granitic chaos, huge rocks in extravagant forms sculpted by wind and water. The excise men’s path leads you from small beaches to rocky clusters with fantastic views of the Archipel des Sept-Iles (the Seven Islands Archipelago). You will climb back up the Léguer valley to reach Lannion and its historic centre. You will reach the Yaudet archaeological site that looks over the Lannion bay, then pick up your walk on the coastal path towards Saint Michel en Grève, St Efflam and Locquirec, a small port hidden at the end of a bay. Past this haven of peace and quiet, you will find a wild, unbridled nature where the sea crashes against the cliffs and rocky clusters that border the coast. You will appreciate the calm of St Jean du Doigt’s long beach and push on to the village to admire a very beautiful parochial enclosure. From the Primel headland you will discover the magnificent Morlaix bay, stand in admiration before the more than 5000-year-old Barnenez Cairn, before reaching Morlaix, a small historic town that invites you to stroll around and discover its past.
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8 Days
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