This walk will allow you to discover magnificent, off-the-beaten track Brittany. You will start at the Sillon de Talbert, a bank of pebbles and sand more than 3kms long that stretches out to sea. You then go back up the Jaudy estuary, one of Brittany’s most beautiful estuaries, to reach Tréguier, a medieval town with a rich religious past. You will follow the coast of gorse with its many islands, headlands, countless rocky outcrops and large beaches. After Perros-Guirec, you will discover the famous pink granite coast which, besides its rocks that take human or animal forms, has some beautiful beaches and well-known seaside resorts.
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ContactSentiers de France concocts for you a turnkey stay. Your only concern will be to enjoy and hike.
according to your tastes and desires
8 Days
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