On this ramble, you will discover the fortified castles of the Cathar country. These veritable eagles’ eyries built on the summits of rocky outcrops served as sentinels watching over the Kingdom of France. They were the final refuge of the Cathars before they were exterminated by the Inquisition, the Papacy and the King of France. After the Roussillon region was annexed to the Kingdom of France by the Pyrenees Treaty in 1659, these fortresses lost all their strategic relevance and were gradually abandoned. Some were even used as stone quarries by the villagers! Nevertheless, despite time and destruction, these ruined castles still exude a feeling of nobility and pride. You will conquer them by following some steep rocky paths but your physical exertion will be amply rewarded. They will tell you their history and offer you grandiose and unrestricted views over the region and the Pyrenean mountain range
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8 Days
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