
Hiking tour in Belle Ile en Mer

Stays in complete freedom without groups or guides, travel differently and with a light mind!


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Group rate (5 and more) and CE,thanks to contact us

  • Eco
  • Hébergement 1/2 pension
  • Hôtel tout confort ou 2 étoiles
  • Standard
  • Hébergements en hôtels 2 étoiles
  • Dîners du terroir selon description
  • Confort
  • Hébergements en hôtels 3 étoiles
  • Dîners gourmets selon description


D 1
Day 1 – Arrival by boat at LE PALAIS
Towering above Le Palais is the Citadel, a military fortress built in the 18th century to alert of and prevent any (British) landing on the continent. As Belle Isle was able to serve as a base of operations, Le Palais was encircled by a fortified wall between 1803 and 1870. The wall still stands today, but now serves as a pleasant promenade – Dinner, lodging and breakfast in a 4-star hotel in Vauban fort
D 2
Day 2 – LE PALAIS – SAUZON (13 km)
The morning will begin with a visit of the Citadel, overlooking the port and the city of Le Palais. You will discover what military life was like on the island : the parade grounds, the dungeons, the ammunitions room. You will also visit the museum, for a more thorough introduction to the past of Belle-Ile. Leaving the city you will follow the coast path through Taillefer signal-station, the beaches of Port Fouquet and Port Jean, the cape of Kerzo and the Port Blanc inlet to arrive finally at Sauzon. Dinner, lodging and breakfast in a 3-star hotel
D 3
Take the coastal path across the cape of Le Cardinal and that of Les Poulains. The wild landscape fills with the clattering sound of rocks being tossed in the waves, and from here rises a lighthouse holding strong against the devastating forces that surround it. Only a few steps away, protected by a small group of sickly trees, lies the little cabin bought by the famous actress Sarah Bernhardt, where she would often come to escape the rushed and hurried life of Paris ! You will then follow the western coast, more rough and wild, to Bortifaouen beach. Crossing through the countryside, you will return to Sauzon and to the relaxing refuge of your hotel – Lodging and breakfast in the same hotel
D 4
Day 4 – SAUZON – GOULPHAR (19 km)
You’ll go back to Bortifaouen Beach. Taking up the coastal path, you will discover the wild, ravaged western coast at the Pointe du Vieux chateau (headland), the Apothicairerie caves, the vast Donnant beach, the Pointe du Grand Guet, Les Aiguilles de Port Coton, and finally, Port Goulphar – Dinner, lodging and breakfast in a 3-star hotel
D 5
Day 5 – LOCMARIA – GOULPHAR (24 km)
Transfer by taxi to the Port Maria just outside the seaside village of Locmaria. You will again follow the coastal path to Goulphar, this time passing through the Arzic and Le Skeul capes, the Port Lost Kah, Puldon and Saint Marc capes, the beaches of Baluden and Kérel, and the Pointe du Talus. This is a beautiful hike, though somewhat strenuous, where you will constantly rise and fall with the landscape, climbing from beach or stream mouth to the summit of a cliff’s edge, only to descend again a couple hundred meters into the earth’s depths. But the panoramas are gorgeous, bending constantly to the will of the light and the waves. Dinner, lodging and breakfast in the same hotel
D 6
Day 6 – LOCMARIA – LE PALAIS (17.5 km)
Transfer by taxi to Locmaria. After taking a moment to visit the South-American-style church, you will head to the sea to continue your trek around the island. This eastern coast, sheltered from the winds, is, above all, agricultural. It holds vast beaches protected by the jutting capes and alternates with high, jagged cliffs and shadowy valleys. We recommend you walk down to the beautiful fountain built by Vauban. This fountain once allowed boats to rejuvenate themselves in fresh water – Dinner, lodging and breakfast in a 4-star hotel
D 7
Tour ends after breakfast
Useful information

Sentiers de France concocts for you a turnkey stay. Your only concern will be to enjoy and hike.


Do not hesitate to contact us for any customization request!

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Double roomRate / Person
Single roomRate / Person
Solo hiker
solitaireRate / Person
Comfort7 Jours
1360 €
1695 €
1880 €

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