ommunicating with the ocean through a gully and alimented by fresh waters through the Eyre, small river in the Landes region (south west France). A world in itself, where winters are mild and summers never suffer from scorching heat. From the Pilat dune to the Cap Ferret’s extremity, the basin unfolds a wide range of landscapes, colors and perfumes. Compared to the lively rhythm of local beach resorts, you will discover the more peaceful, intimate and laborious life of the oyster farming villages as well as the small picturesque small ports. You will stroll along long sandy beaches, immense oyster parks and will cross pine forests. At the bottom of the basin where water and land no longer separate, you will be fascinated by the flora and the fauna of the very secretive world of the prés-salés (salty pastures) and swamps, paradise to millions of birds. Birds that made the shore, the islands and the strands of sand their own.
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